Schwab Alliance

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College Planning Series Part 1: Successful Course Planning for the Future College Student

With Liz Smith, from Rising Tide College Consulting

Did you know that high school curriculum choices can directly impact a student’s college experience? Liz Smith with Rising Tide College Consulting will guide you on opening as many college pathways as possible through making wise course selections in high school. In this seminar, she will discuss the following:

Different curriculum choices available to students
How colleges view different curriculum choices
Graduation requirements versus completion of a college-ready curriculum.

TIME: 7:00 PM EST          DATE: April 10, 2024         PLACE: Virtual via Zoom

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College Planning Series Part 2: Understanding The Ins and Outs of Financial Aid

Part 2 of Liz Smith’s College Planning Series will be announced soon!

TIME: TBD         DATE: Fall 2024         PLACE: Virtual via Zoom

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