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College Planning Series Part 2: Case Studies in College Admissions
With Liz Smith, from Rising Tide College Consulting
With the ever-changing college admissions landscape, it can be difficult to understand how colleges arrive at the admissions decisions they make each year. Liz Smith, founder of Rising Tide College Consulting, will discuss the college application evaluation and admissions process during Part 2 of her College Planning Series. Sharing case studies from prior cycles, Liz will also give participants a peek behind the admissions curtain of a few popular universities in the Southeast and explore answers to questions like the following:
Do all universities evaluate applications using the same approach?
What do higher education institutions prioritize when admitting new students
Is my above-average student competitive for college admissions in today’s world?
TIME: 7:00 PM EST DATE: Thursday, October 24th PLACE: Virtual via Zoom
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Previous Events
College Planning Series Part 1: Successful Course Planning for the Future College Student
With Liz Smith, from Rising Tide College Consulting
Did you know that high school curriculum choices can directly impact a student’s college experience? Liz Smith with Rising Tide College Consulting will guide you on opening as many college pathways as possible through making wise course selections in high school. In this seminar, she will discuss the following:
Different curriculum choices available to students
How colleges view different curriculum choices
Graduation requirements versus completion of a college-ready curriculum.
Re-Watch Here
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